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Biology and Chemistry: Qatar-Related

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This page of the subject guides has been created to help you find science resources that are particularly related to the State of Qatar, such as information about meetings and conferences, research in Qatar, Qatari authors, universities, educational centers, and scientific experts.

Experts in Qatar

Insert here prominent names/researchers/authors and/or individuals who have contributions in this field.

Prof. Ahmed ElzatahryDean of the College of Art and Science at Qatar University.

Dr. Fatima Al-KhayatHead of Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at Qatar Unversity. 

Muhanna bin Rashid bin Mohammed Al-Asiri, a Qatari author who has written many books about the flora and fauna of Qatar.

Prof. Mariam Al-Ali Al-Maadeed, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, she is the founder and director of the Center for Advanced Materials at Qatar University.

Research Happening in Qatar

Explore research publications or projects integrated in and around Qatar

Relevant Institutions and Organizations

Numerous associations and organizations linked to biology, chemistry, agriculture, and science are present in Qatar:

The following ministries and government entities are related to science:

The following centers are related to scientific research in Qatar.

Recommended Books

Plants of the Qur'anic Botanic Garden

This book is an effort to trace the etymological roots of the names of these plants and to provide readers with scientific information about them. The Qur’anic Botanic Garden has succeeded in developing taxonomy of these plants dividing them into three categories according to their natural habitats.

Recommended Journals

Karger Journals

Karger Journals provides access to more than 100 full-text medical and scientific e-journals.

Al Manhal Journals

Al Manhal is a leading database that provides a unique opportunity to all QNL users to access Arabic ebooks, full text of peer-reviewed eJournals, and thousands of full-text dissertations & theses from the Arab world's leading universities, research centers and scientific societies.