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Use Transparent Language Online (TLO): Home

Transparent Language Online

Transparent Language Online provides a practical and engaging experience for language learners looking to build their vocabulary, practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and retain what they learn. With courses and supplemental resources in 110+ languages, Transparent Language Online can be accessed anytime, anywhere, on almost any device.

- 100+ languages and increasing

- Customize earning path

- Focus on a specific skill

- Learn on the go from any device


Transparent Language Online interface supports several languages including Arabic to support users speaking different languages.

Creating an Account

1. To create an account on Transparent Language Online for the first time, you need to use your Library membership card number (the barcode on the back).

2. Enter your information in the signup form to complete your registration.

3. After registration, you can log in using your email or username and password to log in to your account.

Profile and Settings

- Click the name of the current language at the top of the screen to change the language you are learning, if you have access to more than one language.

- Click Mobile Access in the upper right-hand part of the screen to display information on the mobile app associated with this program. (This option may not be available for all accounts.)

-Select Profile Icon to view or edit your user profile, download completion certificates, and more. Select 'Change Language' to change the language you are learning. Select 'Interface Options' to change the interface language. Select 'Log Out' to log out of the program. (These options may not all be available for all accounts.)

- Click the bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to display your notifications. A number or an exclamation mark will appear next to the icon if new notifications have been added since the last time you checked. Consult 'Managing Notifications' for details.

- Click the question mark icon for further help and support.

Using the Learning Screen

The Learning screen is the program's main screen, where you can manage your learning path, check your daily goal, update your learned vocab, and launch practice activities. To go to the Learning screen from another screen in the program, click Learning in the navigation bar at the top of the screen.


The learning path is the main focus of the Learning screen. It presents the following suggested lessons for you to learn. When you first start using the program, the default learning path recommended by Transparent Language will appear. If you are enrolled in a class, your learning path may also include assignments from your instructor. As you work with the program, you can customize your learning path to suit your specific needs.

- When clicking on the three dots icon next to the lesson, you will get the lesson info.


The GOALS panel can be used to check whether you have completed your daily learning goal. If you have one, a message will appear, and the screen will list the achieved goals. If not, the panel will show your current goal and how much learning you have done so far. Consult Understanding Learning Goals and Streaks for more information.


- The LEARNED VOCAB panel checks how many learned vocab items you have in the current language. You can find the number of fresh, stale, and archived vocab items below the graphic.


- The PRACTICE panel allows you to practice words and phrases with various activities. Check the tiles to verify what options are available. Depending on your screen size, you may have to scroll to display all the activity tiles. Each tile will have an icon indicating the activity's primary skill.

Menus and Buttons of Learning Screen

At any time, you can also do any of the following:

Click BROWSE in the top navigation bar to go to the Browse screen, where you can look for additional lessons and references to learn. All lessons shown on this screen are included with Transparent Language Online, so feel free to explore them! 

Click MY TRANSCRIPT in the top navigation bar to run reports. Consult Generating Transcript Reports for details. (This feature may not be available for all accounts or in all versions of the program.)

Click RESOURCES in the top navigation bar to display information on additional language and culture resources. Depending on your language, you may find Facebook communities, Twitter feeds, culture blogs, Word of the Day services, proficiency tests, and more. Consult Using the Resources Screen for details. (Not all languages have additional resources.)

Click KidSpeak in the top navigation bar to open the KidSpeak application. (This feature is not available for all languages.)

External Resources

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Rana A. Abdulrahman| رنا العاني
Subjects الموضوعات:
Arts and Architecture الفنون والعمارة, Humanities العلوم الإنسانية, Library Science علوم المكتبات