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Search for Theses and Dissertations: Home

Useful Guides

Here are some guides you may find useful when citing your sources, writing your thesis or dissertation, or simply doing a research for an article or book. 

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    Last Updated Oct 21, 2021 22 views this year

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Interlending and Document Supply Service

If you are unable to find the full-text copy of the title that you are looking for, you can use our Interlending and Document Supply Service.

 Learn more about ILDS here.

Resources to Find Dissertations and Theses

To access titles in Arabic, use the suggested databases below:

These are supplementary sources you may want to consider browsing when looking for titles in the disciplines or fields specified. You may opt to use the Interlending and Document Supply Service should you need the full-text copy of an abstract. 

Access to these sources does not require Library login credentials. 

Ways of Searching for a Title

  • Use the Library's advanced catalog search. 
  • Choose "Theses" under Format.
  • You can also specify other fields such as Language, Location or Collection.
  • If your result is located outside the Library, you can request it through ILDS if it is a journal article or you can directly contact the institution where the resource is located.


If you are searching within a specific database, you can apply the same techniques as when you are searching the Library's catalog:

  • Click "Online Resources" on the Library's website and choose the database that you would like to explore (in the following example, we will be covering the ProQuest database).
  • Switch to "Dissertations and Theses" at the top of the search bar.
  • Enter the keyword(s) for your search.
  • Check the results and narrow them down by adding filters on the left side.

In order to find a thesis or a dissertation, you can also use the EBSCO Discovery Service through the Library.

In order to search within the EBSCO Discovery Service:

  • Use the keyword selector and enter your keyword(s) in the search box.
  • In the "Material Type" tab, select "Dissertations and Thesis."
  • Narrow down your search by using the filters located on the left side.