You have several ways to find information. Use the:
Catalog to search for print and non-print collections.
Discovery Search to search for resources available through the online databases.
A-Z List of Titles to search for specific e-journal titles.
Individual Database if you want to use a specific database. Simply click on the database name and search.
Most databases use a help feature that explains how to conduct simple and advanced searches.
Recommended search terms in Education:
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If you search a database and do not find the results you want, use Ask Our Librarians for assistance. Library staff are happy to help you find what you need!
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education researchers of all kinds. ERIC contains more than 1.6 million records in a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers. Further, researchers can limit search results by education level such as Early Childhood Education as well as on the intended audience such as Counselors or Teachers.
Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition contains the online version of the standard encyclopedia, an Arabic Translation Tool plus full-text journal and magazine articles and Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
Welcome to the Library's Education
This guide provides an overview of the Library's recommended materials related to education, including databases, books, journals, reference materials and other resources, print or digital, that are accessible through different websites and platforms.
To view the Arabic guide, click here.
The education print collection is organized in alignment with Class L of the Library of Congress Classification. It includes the following subclasses:
Subclass L – Education (General)
Subclass LA – History of education
Subclass LB – Theory and practice of education
Subclass LC – Special aspects of education
Subclass LD – Individual institutions - United States
Subclass LE – Individual institutions - America (except United States)
Subclass LF – Individual institutions - Europe
Subclass LG – Individual institutions - Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean islands, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands
Subclass LH – College and school magazines and papers
Subclass LJ – Student fraternities and societies, United States
Subclass LT – Textbooks
The education print collection is located in Tier 2 of the Library. It spreads from shelf 2.1.10A to shelf 2.2.5B (see map below).
Here are some useful quick links that you may want to visit while using this guide.